Since the start of the Circuit Breaker in April 2020, musicians have faced a major challenge in their career as live performances were discontinued at offline venues. For the musicians to continue to engage their audience, *SCAPEmusic kick-started a series which aimed to explore the daily lives of the musicians and serve as a platform for them to showcase their works from their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the pilot episode that was released in April, Daniel Sid shared about how he produced music and shot a simple music video entirely at home. During the pandemic, many musicians have displayed adaptability and creativity in finding ways to continue writing and recording. Offline showcases and collaborative opportunities have been physically impossible and many have turned to alternative resources, such as live streaming platforms on social media. Upon receiving positive feedbacks from the viewers and Daniel himself, *SCAPEmusic has since continued to welcome more musicians on board to share about how they adapted to the new normal.
In the second episode, Namie Rasman and Darrel Laser shared about how they continued their creative processes while staying at home. Despite restrictions, such as not being able to meet others to write and produce music, both musicians endured the odds and explored creative ways to remain productive during this period. During their interview with host Audrey Lim, they shared various clips of them working on their music from home as well as their sources of inspiration.
In the third episode, RENE and Ben Jacob Lee from Astronauts shared about how they adapted to the new normal as Phase Two kicked in. As restrictions have since loosened in the country, both musicians shared about their upcoming works as they basked in the freedom of meeting their bandmates to complete the production process. Various clips of their performances from previous years were shared as they paid homage to live performances before the pandemic. RENE and Ben also shared their excitement to perform live again once circumstances allow.
In the final episode to be released in end-November, two more musicians will be sharing about their ways to adapt to the new normal.
For the young musicians out there, if you are struggling to create and present your works amid this pandemic, you are not alone! Tune in to What Are You Doing? on *SCAPE Facebook Live to learn some tips and tricks to ease in to the new normal.
Link to previous episodes:
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