Here at *SCAPEentrepreneurship we organize a multitude of programmes that are aimed broadly towards growing and developing our youths here in Singapore. Some examples of our past programmes include:
- Initiatives that enable startups to grow, become successful and achieve their business goals.
- Celebratory events that showcase youth talents.
- Programmes that focus on developing individuals, beyond mere hard skills.
Vol 1. Mental Wellness: Through the Singaporean Lens (19 Jun 2020)
In collaboration with the winners of Startup Weekend Singapore 2020, The Mind Hyve, along with speakers from The Inside Space and Limitless, *SCAPEentrepeneurship invited youth leaders & entrepreneurs on a journey of self-awareness & mental literacy. This session aimed to help youths understand the stigma around mental health and discover more about how they can break down culture, social and personal barriers to have an open discourse about mental wellness.
National Youth Entrepreneurship Awards (NYEA)
The 2020 NYEA, organized by Action Community for Entrepreneurship (ACE) and jointly sponsored by *SCAPE, is a national award that recognizes the achievements of outstanding individuals who have displayed entrepreneurial qualities.
Learn more about the 2020 winners here.
HubQuarters Fellowship Programme (29th October 2018 – 24th April 2019)
HubQuarters Fellowship programme is a 6-months startup accelerator program for a selected 21 teams, made up of Singaporean young budding entrepreneurs and new startups who are looking to take their ideas to the next level. Over a 6 months period, participating teams underwent 22 alternating sessions of workshops (such as ideation, lean methodology, customer development etc.) and dedicated mentorship (1-to-1 sessions with a mentor that has relevant experience in their field).
Find out more here
Want to find out how you can be a part of these programmes? Write in to us at