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Don’t let gender have a say in your performance

Don’t let gender have a say in your performance. If you really want to do it, try your best and I’m quite sure you will succeed.

“For competitive gaming wise, I started out back in Season 3, which was five to six years ago. Back then, I was playing the rank ladders and was around Diamond 1. The team picked me up for the TLC which was the highest level of tournament back then in Singapore, and since then I’ve been playing in multiple tournaments.

However, I’ve had my fair share of not so pleasant experiences in the past years. Back when I first started out playing, there was this crowd behind me that would watch me play and be like “oh my god she missed her hoop” ,“oh my god she kenna caught”. It was very pressurising to play in such an environment. I obviously couldn’t focus on my game because the people talking behind me were louder than the game itself.

Some advice, start everything with passion, because without it, you won’t have any drive to work towards your goal. Take part in more tournaments, female or mixed, because the more experience you have, the less nervous you will be when you are playing your games.

Don’t let gender have a say in your performance. If you really want to do it, try your best and I’m quite sure you will succeed.”