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Dancing Online is the New Normal
Contributed by Reina Teh, *SCAPEdance
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*SCAPE collaborated with Fiona Thng from T.H.E Dance Company to bring youth Movement For All (MFA) – Contemporary Dance Class during the COVID-19 circuit breaker period. This programme served as a platform for youth to stay in touch with their craft and, at the same time, allow exposure for youth who are interested in experiencing contemporary dance. Throughout the 8 weekly sessions beginning on 18 May 2020, Fiona introduced the participants to simple progressive exercises which aimed to build and improve movement coordination and to heighten body awareness.

At the end of the programme, we conducted a discussion and gathered feedback to better understand their experience and how we can further improve their online dance class experience. Through the discussions and polling results (chart 1 – 4), it is understood that participants had attended online classes conducted both locally and internationally. These results are similar to the results obtained from our previous webinar “Wild Thoughts” and “Off The Streets”.

Participants who attended the sessions commented that MFA had created a safe space for them to move and explore, and that the pacing and sequencing of the class was just right. They were also able to understand and pick up materials easily. Such comprehension attributes to the instructor’s ability in teaching, providing directions and guidance, for example in providing participants with relatable imagery allowing a better understanding of the movement qualities.



Chart 1. Polling results from 6 July discussion



Chart 2: Polly results from 6 July discussion



Chart 3: Polly results from 6 July discussion



Chart 4: Polly results from 6 July discussion



Screenshot of Movement For All Zoom session

Concluding from the discussion and feedback, both participants and instructor had a pleasant time attending and conducting this MFA session and many participants are looking forward to similar programmes. On the other hand, we had also understood the pros and cons of conducting an online dance class as compared to a physical one.

*SCAPEdance would like to thank the participants who joined us in the 8 sessions and individuals who contributed to the discussions, Fiona Thng and T.H.E Dance Company. We hope to bring more exciting online dance classes in the near future. In the meantime, stay safe and healthy.

To find out more about ongoing dance events, please visit this link.

You can get in touch with our dance team at

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